
The Postcard Dewa Luxury stay in Bhutan – Amedewa Tours And Trek

The Postcard Dewa Luxury stay in Bhutan

Amedewa Tours And Trek

Twenty minutes from Bhutan’s capital city, The Postcard Dewa is nestled in a forest, this Bhutanese mountain hideout is just close enough to take in the city of Thimphu but far enough from the bustle Bhutanese mountain hideout is just close enough to take in the city of Thimphu but far enough from the bustle. With no more than 15 luxurious rooms, the hotel is the perfect place to wind down in the lap of nature and enjoy pristine views of the Khasadrapchu valley and Raidak river.

Rating: 5 star


The Postcard Dewa _ Luxury stay in Bhutan Room The Postcard Dewa _ Luxury stay in Bhutan Rooms

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