
Gasa Festival | Festival of Bhutan | Bhutan Festival Tour

Gasa Festival in Bhutan 

This unique festival is accompanied by mask dances and other cultural programmes by the locals of Gasa. The festival also consist of stalls with local based Yak produce, medicinal herbs and plants along with some competition on highland animals including the Yaks, mastiffs and horse which makes it very unique to the visitors.

Day 1: Arrival in Paro International Airport

Halt at min. 3 star rated hotel or resort in Thimphu.

Day 2: Thimphu cultural sightseeing

Halt at min. 3 star rated hotel or resort in Thimphu.

Day 3:  Day hike Thimphu
  • Hike to Dodeydrak monastery and if time permits explore trail from Buddha Dordenma to Changangkha.
  • Visit Homestays and mingle with locals if interested.

Halt at min. 3 star rated hotel or resort in Thimphu.

Day 4: Drive to Punakha

Halt at min. 3 star rated hotel or resort in Punakha.

Day 5: Punakha to Gasa 
  • We will drive to Gasa today and leisure at the farmhouse or camp
  • Visit Gasa Hotspring

Halt at farmhouse or camp in Gasa.

Day 6: Gasa Festival 
  • Attend Gasa Festival and drive to Punakha for halt

Halt at min. 3 star rated hotel or resort in Punakha.

Day 7: Punakha to Paro 

Halt at min. 3 star rated hotel or resort in Paro.

Day 8: Drive to Haa via Chelela Pass

Halt at min. 3 star rated hotel or resort in Paro.

Day 9: Paro Tiger’s Nest
Day 10: Outbound journey

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Useful Links:

Getting into Bhutan

How to make tour payment to Bhutan?

Bhutan visa information

Travel Tips to Bhutan