
Drukgyel Dzong in Paro | Things to see in Paro 

Drukgyel Dzong In Paro | Things to see in Paro 

Drukgyel dzong was built by Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel in 1646. As the name of the dzong suggests Druk meaning Bhutan and Gyel meaning victory, it is believed that the Dzong was built to commemorate his victory over the invading Tibetan and Mongolian armies. Drukgyel Dzong in Paro didn’t serve any administrative or religious functions and it was constructed solely for defensive purpose especially against the external threats from the border. The dzong was built on the summit of a rocky hill and only accessible entry to the dzong was guarded by three prominent towers.  The structure consist of a tall central building and an adjacent courtyard surrounded by lower buildings.

There was also tunnels connecting the dzong with the river to reduce the risk of fetching water during battle but these tunnels are now sealed. In 1951, an unfortunate fire accidence ruined the dzong and over half a century later, the restoration began in 2016 which also celebrated the birth of HIs Royal Highness The Gyalsey and also to mark two other significant events, namely, the arrival of Zhabdrung Ngawang Namgyel in 1616 AD and the birth of Guru Rinpoche. The ceremony took place a day after the prince was born and now the construction work is in full swing and its expected to be completed by June 2022, about six months ahead of the original schedule.

The reconstruction work is done just like in the past and with five watch towers that have been restored, only two stored chamber behind the dzong is yet to be restored. Visitors will soon be able to  admire the newly constructed Drukgyel dzong in 2022.

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